Who is Riva Home?
What products do you sell?
Do you supply the general public?
I’m a new customer. How do I buy from you?
I already have an account. How do I log in?
Do you have a Showroom?
What kind of support do you offer after purchase?
Do you have a loyalty program or rewards for repeat customers?
Do you supply marketing materials?
Do you have Lookbooks?
Can I open a Credit Account with you?
I am not based in the UK. Do you accept foreign currency?
How do I apply for a trade account?
How long does a trade order take to arrive?
What is the minimum order value?
Do you offer discounts for bulk orders?
What products do you sell?
Do you own the products listed on your website?
How do I check if an item is in stock?
Which couriers do you use?
How much do you charge for delivery?
How long does delivery take?
What happens if I'm not in when my order arrives?
Can I choose when my item gets delivered?
Ireland + Northern Ireland
Do you ship to the Republic of Ireland?
How do I place an order for delivery to the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland?
What currency will my order be placed in?
Is duty included (DDP)?
Is VAT included?
What are the shipping charges to the Republic of Ireland?
Why am I paying VAT?
I would like to return items to Riva Home from the Republic of Ireland. How do I do it?
Can I order on DAP incoterms and handle the duty myself?
How long does delivery to the Republic of Ireland take?